
March 2014 will be engraved in our memory as the second as well as the last month of Politricks. A programme on power, propaganda, populism and patriotism...

10 FEB — 30 MAR 2014

We’re exploring this topic in depth on the basis of performances: about power in our western society (Holiday on Stage), about Serbian (As It Is) and German history (Kroniek) or about the ideas of Anders Breivik (Breivik’s Statement). Remarkable political events (the fall of Ceauşescu, the Pussy Riot process) are included in our documentaries. We’re not shying away from the debate about the political future of Brussels (join in the debate with politicians and Wij Brusselaars). And you really must be there when Barroso’s speech-writer reveals how the perfect speech should sound.

What’s more we have a number of tried-and-tested recipes like the vinyl market, the cycle happening Marché Vélo and a packed concert programme.

As a matter of fact, the BeursKafee has something new for you to discover: a wall painting by the Icelandic artist Jóhanna Kristbörg Siguröadóttir. Time for a drink!

A focus programme is a coherent programme spread over 2 - 3 months, in which a specific topic, oeuvre, artist movement or style is examined in-depth and unravelled.

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