Brussels, the Flemings and the Walloons

w/ Made in Bruxsel Festival

lecture, party
FR 26.01.2018 19:00

The travelling festival « Made in Bruxsel » migrations that create the city, gathers researchers, civil society actors, artists and inhabitants of Brussels from January 2018 until May 2018. Throughout ten evenings that will take place in various Brussels cultural and artistic places, we will debate and celebrate diversity, and those migrations that contributed to the development of our global city today. Every evening will offer the opportunity to discover Brussels artists, researchers and to listen to multiple testimonials of generations of residents of Brussels who grew up in this urban diversity. 

Speaker: Prof. Gilles Van Hamme (ULB)
Animation: Béatrice Delvaux (Le Soir)
Panel: Kris Dane, Jean-Luc Outers (écrivain bruxellois), Geert Van Istendael (schrijver), Foued Bellali (asbl 2bouts)
Music: Jan Ducheyne & Noodzakelijk Kwaad (Teuk Henri, Frank Pay, Jef Mercelis) & guest Kris Dane
Commentary: Prof. Andrea Rea (ULB)

Opening party with Les Fanfoireux (21:30 - …)

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