Bert Huyghe

Every six months an artist is invited to do ‘something’ with the white wall in the beurscafé.

1 FEB — 1 JUN 2019

Multidisciplinary artist Bert Huyghe lives and works in Ghent, where he divides up his time between painting, writing, music making and zine publishing. He paints with a seemingly childlike playfulness and an often hilarious capacity for self-relativisation. This is evidenced in his new mural in Beurscafé, which is based on colourful landscapes from the iconic animated series The Simpsons.

Huyghe was born in 1989 in Eeklo and grew up there far from any artistic pretentions. When he first saw an abstract painting hanging in a museum, his first thought was ... football. A black and white striped painting by Daniel Buren? A Juventus jersey. “I always embraced that childlike way of approaching art and I don’t think much has changed in that regard.” In his paintings Huyghe explores the place of painting today, both in society and in his personal view. He does so with a seemingly childlike playfulness and an often hilarious capacity for self-relativisation. Despite his young age, Bert Huyghe has been a driving force in the Ghent scene for years and his work has already been exhibited in Belgian museums including the SMAK and Mu.Zee.

His predecessors in creating works for the wall are Jóhanna Kristbjörg Sigurðardóttur, Fiona Mackay, Julien Meert, Denie Put, Nel Aerts, Atelier Pica Pica, Michaël Van den Abeele, Helgi Thórsson & Carlotta Bailly-Borg.

WE SA from 17:00

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