No words anymore…

A Goodbye Love Letter by Elisa Liepsch.


“No words anymore” are the messages I receive from loved ones all over the world while preparing my leave from Beursschouwburg these early days of October 2024.

Language has come to an end in the attempt to describe the impossibilities and unimaginable violence in our surroundings. The world is noise.

The ruins of language, of speech are a guiding line and an invitation to approach this last of my programmes for this beautiful place.

Wailing whispering whining
Hissing breathing moaning
Shushing voicing humming

The erosion of words while living among ruins, asking what remains. Creating blurry landscapes.

Exploring voice as a tool for discovery of space and body as multilayered memories. Morphing neglected voices.

Stories, dreams, myths, and vibrant soundscapes. Open mouths. In dissonance, detachment, distortion. Uttering. Becoming unwanted sound.

The textures and shadows of sound, the histories and archives they carry to (re)build worlds and (re)tale stories. The traveling sounds through time and space. Murmur, clamor, swoosh and rhythm.

Every programme is an attempt, “gestures towards” as Sékou Séméga wrote so beautifully about the chapter Telling Tales. Towards Antifascist Futures that was tenderly cooked together with Sofia Dati in spring 2024. Thank you all for these past five years.

My deepest gratitude goes out to you, the artists with whom I had the pleasure to work with, and to you, the audiences that showed curiosity, openness, and criticality towards the proposed trajectories. Thank you for confrontation, dispute, your excitement and trust. A big thankyou to all colleagues at Beursschouwburg for carrying ideas together and making them come true.

For imagining together, for your affection, advise and unconditional support, I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation furthermore to my dear Carolina, Karla Max, Martine, Marine, Ingrid, Yasmina, Boyzie, Ewe, Nuray, Léa, Mathilde, Sofia, Eric, Bissi, Hussein, Julian, Lotte and Pauline. Thank you for being. May we continue and together. In shadows and lights. In beauty.

Much love,

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