Sara Abou Ghazal & Sarah K. Absenteeism: Caring for Bodies Erased

Examining queer solidarity amid Gaza's erasure, 'Queering the Map' reveals resistance against pinkwashing and suppression.

TH 07.03.2024 19:00

Sara Abou Ghazal and Sarah K. will gaze into the politics of care as part of transnational and collective queer solidarity. The genocide takes over Gaza; erasure takes over images and language, houses are no longer homes, no longer stand. Life is erased, only bodies are left, bodies that survive, bodies that are hungry. Gaza as a city, as relations, existence and experience is erased. Gaza only exists as a danger zone, a place not to be, made absent by use of force. Palestinian queerness is erased by bombs and silence, by a soldier holding a  rainbow flag next to his tank and a pile of rubble. By revisiting ‘Queering the Map’, Sarah and Sara will trace stories of erasure through the messages left on the map, and present pinkwashing as an occupying movement, “Rainbow” as occupying the possibilities of queerness. 


Sara Abou Ghazal a Palestinian feminist writer.

Sarah K. (she/they) an African queer feminist and writer based in Brussels. 


see also