Solo in the City

There are more singles or single households than ever. Living alone has become a phenomenon. What is the fate of people living on their own and how does our society deal with them? Along with a handful of experts, we talk about the position of singles in society.

WE 05.04.2017 20:30

With Nathalie Le Blanc (journalist, author of Solo. Waarom steeds meer mensen alleen wonen [Solo. Why more and more people live on their alone], Ariadne Schmidt (Leiden University and co-author of Single Life and the city from 1200 -1900), Agogics Professor Liesbeth De Donder (VUB), Noor Spanjer (Dertig dates cadeau [Thirty dates for free] and Carla Dejonghe (Brussels politician and Chairperson of all1).


► Introduction by Nathalie Le Blanc: what are the most persistent clichés about singles and those living alone? And to what extent are they true?

► People often think that ‘being single’ is a new trend. Nothing could be further from the truth! Ever since the late Middle Ages, singles formed an important part of European society. Ariadne Schmidt helps us see things in a historical perspective, and possibly draw lessons from the past.

► Liesbeth De Donder outlines in numbers the extent and development of the proportion of singles and those living alone in the world, in Europe, in Belgium and the Netherlands, as well as in Brussels.

► With Carla Dejonghe, we move to the political and social arena. The experience expert has placed this theme on the political agenda more than once. It is a demographic reality that an increasing number of people live on their own in cities. What measures does the government take? Where are the blind spots and what can be done about them?

► Het leven zoals het is: single in de grootstad [Live as it is: single in the big city] – with and by Noor Spanjer.

► To close off, Nathalie Leblanc facilitates an open discussion between the audience and the speakers.

EN spoken

Together with Vlaams-Nederlands Huis deBuren and Crosstalks VUB

see also