Fabrizio Terranova (IT) Donna Haraway: Story Telling for Earthly Survival
TH 30.03.2017 18:00

In May of 2016, the film Donna Haraway: Story Telling for Earthly Survival, by the Brussels-based artist Fabrizio Terranova, was presented at Kunstenfestivaldesarts arts festival. For the film, Terranova visited the influential art theorist, feminist and science-fiction aficionado Donna Haraway at her home in Southern California, literally lived there for several weeks and made his unique film portrait. Haraway is a gifted storyteller, who, in an age of disasters, sketches an unruly and hopeful universe of and begenadigd vertelster, die in een tijdperk van rampen een weerspannig en hoopvol universum van swarming beings and futuristic trans-species.

Fabrizio Terranova allows Haraway to speak from her own living environment, using attractive decors that drive the sensitivities of the thinking of his theorist subject to the edge. The result is an exceptionally candid and frank intellectual portrait of a very original thinker.

After the film, Fabrizio Terranova will speak with Donna Haraway, whose presence here for us is highly appreciated!

EN spoken
NL/FR subtitles

Written and directed by Fabrizio Terranova
Image: Tristan Galand
Sound: Nicolas Lebecque
Film editing: Bruno Tracq
Sound editing: Frédéric Fichefet
Music by Laurent Baudoux & The Fan Club Orchestra
Sound: Cyril Mossé
Advice & translation: Isabelle Stengers
Production management: Ellen Meiresonne
Presentation: Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Beursschouwburg
Production: Atelier Graphoui (Brussels), CBA Centre de l’audiovisuel (Brussels), Spectre Productions (Rennes), Fabbula (Barcelona), Rien à Voir (Brussels)
With the support of Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Centre de l’Audiovisuel à Bruxelles, Kunstenfestivaldesarts

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