On the public perception of refugees

Introduction to Glimpse w/ vzw Humain

introduction, film screening
WE 12.12.2018 19:00

Join us as a group to watch and discuss Glimpse, a film by Artur Zmijewski. The non-profit organisation vzw Humain – dedicated to helping people stranded at refugee camps – will share their perspective on the film along with some fascinating insights.

Sofie D'Hulster and Patrick Legein, the driving forces behind vzw Humain, will provide an introduction in which they will talk about their experiences supporting people in need, the fight for equality and human rights and how they tackle the (negative) image people have of refugees.

19:00 introduction by vzw Humain
20:00 film screening
20:30 informal post-film talk / discussion


English spoken

Photo Jordi Oliver - vzw Humain

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