Opening expo Feiko Beckers The understanding of nonsense

An exhibition with huts on stilts, dwellings built on poles!

expo, Opening Weekend
FR 03.02.2017 19:00

You are (hopefully) familiar with the Dutch artist Feiko Beckers, known for his ‘failed’ interventions in I Fail Good, or in other artistic endeavours undertaken at the Beursschouwburg in the last four years.

For The Understanding of Nonsense, he will be filling our exhibition space with a variety of huts on stilts, dwellings built on poles. In them, he will show sculptures, films, texts and even performances. The shelters will each house a different aspect of his multifaceted, multidisciplinary work. In each individual work, he will try to find an answer to an apparently trivial problem. Trials all utterly doomed to failure…

By constructing these spaces, Feiko Beckers begins with an effort to mimic real ‘white cubes’, but thanks to their awkward accessibility and cramped measurements, the houses on stilts are more like pastiches of exhibition spaces. In this way, the artificiality of the surrounding context and the objects (an artificiality that he often creates in his work) extends to the location in which they are presented.


Feiko Beckers (b. 1983) is a Dutch artist. He graduated from the Minerva Academy in Groningen in 2006 and was artist in residence at the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam in 2010-2011. In 2013 he was a resident at Palais de Tokyo’s Le Pavilion programme.

He works with everyday histories based on events from his own life, stories about failures, accidents or embarrassing situations that he has personally experienced. His work seeks answers to the unexpected, merciless character of unfortunate events. With video, performance, installations and even music, he constructs narratives that are unexpectedly interrupted, their determined and unavoidable failure impending and self-evident.

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