Origami Classics : 1 Piano + 1 Violin

Origami Classics is back for a new concert! We're thrilled to welcome you on Sunday 12 feb. for our musical adventures!

12.02.2017 15:00

For the third concert of this fourth season we're welcoming the Duo Gemini. With works of Erwin Schulhoff, Dmitri Shostakovich, Georges Enesco, Sergueï Prokofiev, Anton Webern, Béla Bartók, Bohuslav Martinů, Jean-Frédéric Molard (violon) and Jean-Noël Remiche (piano) will enchant your Sunday afternoon! Jacques Neefs as narrator will give a special touch by adding hic voice to the concert.

Sunday-Funday works also for kids! We've teamed up with MUS-E BELGIUM, a wonderful association of professional artists who will animate a workshop for kids! 8 of them will have the chance to explore their sense of creativity. Booking is mandatory because of limited access, it's 8 euros/kid, only for those between 3 and 12.

As usual we'll provide a free baby-sitting service for kids younger than 3, but please note that booking is also mandatory for this.

Doors open at 2.30 pm. The baby-sitting starts at 2.45 pm, the concert and the workshop at 3 pm.

Concert - 15 euros, tickets can be booked via email (info@origami-music.be) or directly at the Beursschouwburg

Workshop for kids - 8 euros, booking is mandatory (info@origami-music.be). Only 8 kids can participate to the workshop. Suitable for kids between 3 and 12

Baby-sitting - Free, booking is mandatory (info@origami-music.be)

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