Otarkino: Sud e Magia

The film you see and the dishes you taste have been chosen for their natural affinity. This evening is one great celebration for your senses!

dinner, single screening
FR 13.03.2015 19:00

On Friday the thirteenth, Otarkino will go in search of superstitions and rituals in the countryside in post-war southern Italy. A programme of ethnographic documentaries directed by Luigi Di Gianni and Vittorio De Seta, among others.

Otarkino is a collaboration between film curator Vincent Stroep and food collective Otark Productions. Hadas Cna’ani and Charlotte Koopman are developing a menu based on visual elements, concepts and ideas from the selected film.

The result is a dinner filled with both associative as well as literal references to the film. By serving the menu during the film performance, your cinematic experience is appreciably enhanced. Taste and smell are added to the sensory spectrum!

Otark Productions is a food collective based in Antwerp, Belgium, consisting of Hadas Cna'ani and Charlotte Koopman, with the help of friends and other guests. The texts on this blog are written by Hadas, Charlotte takes care of the graphics- unless otherwise stated-and both are doing everything else.

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