Mich L.

Fragile and powerful near-silence of analogue synths and tape recorders.

seated concert, free
FR 23.06.2023 22:00

As an artistic response to his tinnitus, Mich L. made air near silence, a hypnotic debut album of minimalist drone and dark ambient that conceals as much as it reveals. With analogue synths and tape recorders, he immerses his (seated) audience in near-silence that surreptitiously transforms into a fragile and powerful manifestation of harmony. This is music that subtly sharpens the difference between hearing and listening.


Mich L. will be joined by Joris Perdieus on live video treatments.

Joris is a visual artist, scenographer, sound designer and independant PhD researcher at LUCA School Of Arts Brussels and KULeuven University. He is a member of the Intermedia and Mediated Environments research groups. Joris’ research is located in the field of Sensorial Scenographics and looks into matters concerning the significance of Aloness in Spectactorship, in relation to immersive spatial art- and performative practices.

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