Erik Bünger The Girl Who Never Was

An intelligent and often funny performance about how media constantly manipulate and undermine our idea of abstract data like identity, liberty, space, life and death.

lecture performance
FR 07.02.2014 20:30 BE premiere
SA 08.02.2014 20:30

With reference to his exhibition Written on Tablets of Flesh at Argos, Erik Bünger presents the lecture-performance The Girl Who Never Was. The Swedish artist, cinematographer, composer and writer guides us through the cinema’s recent past. The human voice is the constant link. From the early recordings of ‘Au Clair de la Lune’ through HAL in Kubrick’s 2001 A Space Odyssey to biblical references: a performance which leads you like a winding road through film land.

In English

SE/DE, 2013, 60 min

Concept: Erik Bünger Co-production: Impakt Foundation, Utrecht in the framework of Impakt Works 2013 Support: City of Utrecht; the Mondrian Foundation.

e.c.w. Argos

see also