Peter Lenaerts Quies & Micro

Sonic Adventures

expo, installation
18 JAN — 22 FEB 2013

Peter Lenaerts is a sound adventurer who during Private Investigations is working in connection with the art of sound and architecture. Together with filmmaker Ezra Eeman, he is taking his existing audiovisual project Quies and during a two-month period in Beursschouwburg will be building on a spatial installation based on those recordings of silence which were made in the Australian desert.

In addition, with the working title Micro, he will work on the idea where he will play the Beursschouwburg building like a musical instrument. Lenaerts wants to magnify the idea that a building lives and frame this within a concert performance.

January 18th 2013, 17:00-20:00 Live performance. Free.

see also