Queer Xperimental

w/ Pink Screens

MO 04.11 18:00

Perfect Flowers of the Scum Generation - Wilde Davis

2023, United States 18 min. VO : en

In this sunny and absurd experimental short film, a queer and punk trio wanders amongst flowers and magic in the sweltering heat.

Rebel Queers: Ukraine’s Queer Resistance - Angelika Ustymenko

2024 Ukraine/United Kingdom, 29 min. VO: en ST: fr, en

In the past, the Rebel Queers collective partied in Kiev, where they also advocated for their rights. A poignant account of different queer experiences during wartime.

Loveboard - Felipe Casanova

2023 Belgium/Switzerland, 18 min. VO: fr ST: en

A blurry screen, like a clouded mind. Loveboard is a moving autopsy of a break-up, with its silences, interruptions, and an already fleeting past that is slipping away Het wazige scherm als een troebele geest.

Atopia - Oli De Vos

2024 Belgium, 17 min. VO: en ST: fr, nl

Atopia or the non-place, the space that does not exist, must be invented. A space where the imaginary is embodied and the pursuit of gender fluidity.

Ne jamais s'arrêter de crier - Abdellah Taïa

2023 France, 10 min. VO: fr ST: en

Writer and filmmaker Abdellah Taia writes a letter to his gay nephew Brahim to help him overcome his fear, support him and walk by his side. In fine, the letter is proof of how much he loves his nephew

Versa geek 26 - Mathieu Morel

2024 France, 10 min, VO: en, fr

A striking patchwork to which only Mathieu Morel has the secret recipe, where virtual fantasies collide and merge into a romance 2.0.

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