Quimby (HU)

Hungary rocks @ Beursschouwburg

concert, external organisation
FR 11.05.2012 20:30

The alternative rock band Quimby has its roots in Dunaújváros, one of the largest industrial towns in West Hungary. The band members met each other during their student days at the end of the eighties and played covers of their favourite artists under the name ‘October’. After their school years they took a musical pause until ‘91 when they picked up the thread again in Budapest and renamed the band ‘Quimby’.

Twenty-one years later they are one of the best known bands in Hungary and play before huge audiences. Expect eclectic rock, with here and there references to blues and chanson.

Balanyi Szilárd: piano, backing vocals
Gerdesits Ferenc: drums
Kárpáti József: trumpet
Kiss Tibor: guitar, vocals, lyrics
Mikuli Ferenc: bass
Varga Lívius: percussion, rap, lyrics

The concert is organised in cooperation with the Balassi Institute Brussels

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