Burn, burn, burn the terrible year 2017 and head on to the new one.

FR 12.01.2018 22:00

#AltRightBonfire, #BrexitBonfire, #BendevanNijvelBonfire, #CETABonfire, #RacismBonfire, #LalalandBonfire, #ClimateBonfire, #SportpladijsBonfire, #ZomerakkoordBonfire, #LandInvestBonfire, #BrusselseTunnelBonfire…. The torments of 2017 are FI-NAL-LY behind us.

We’re celebrating that with a ritual (Christmas tree) bonfire. No nostalgic hanging on for us – let’s just burn those bridges and dance, dance it all away! Bring along your demons (in the shape of a pensioned-off evergreen or otherwise), toss them on the pile, and there’s our good-bye pyre. We symbolically take our leave of any and all miseries of the by-gone year and dance through the night in the lively hope of a beautiful future. Long Live 2018!

Fruit Radio plays records, and DJs Dism & Preach bring everything that lurks betwixt & between (Afro)jazz, disco and house. Feel juicy, be groovy and dance.


open from 17:00

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