Rooftop terrace open

During Out Loud! our rooftop terrace will become part of the public space. Everyone is welcome here, to sunbath or eat a picnic in the sun.

21 MAY — 11 JUL 2016

This year, you can come to Beursschouwburg unprepared and without a picnic. We’re receiving back-up from the Brussels restaurant AUB-SVP. Coolness!
AUB-SVP will be offering the delicacies of dreams for an unforgettable picnic. You’ll find the pop-up restaurant in the big hall, easy access via rue du Pont de la Carpe/Karperbrug.
Alstublieft! S’il vous plaît!
Beursschouwburg loves a good picnic!

Out Loud!

Rooftop terrace open from
We – Sat from noon

  • Mon June 13th from 17:00
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