Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker / Rosas Fase, four movements to the music of Steve Reich
FR 27.02.2015 20:30
SA 28.02.2015 20:30
SU 01.03.2015 20:30
On March 18th, 1982, Fase premiered in ... Beursschouwburg. Today, 30 years later, it is safe to say that this is probably the most frequently performed choreography created by Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker. Today, we have come full circle: Fase has returned to our stage.

Fase consists of three duets and one solo dance, choreographed to four repetitive compositions by the American minimalist musician, Steve Reich: Piano Phase, Come Out, Violin Phase and Clapping Music. Reich allows his tones to gradually shift in rhythm and melody and between the instruments. The choreography applies the same phase-shifting principle. The purely abstract movements are executed so perfectly that they seem almost mechanical and yet affect us in a strange way.

This anniversary present is a very fascinating experience indeed!
