Horse Antlers On the move at RITS Café

The Brussels band Horse Antlers closes the Beursschouwburg doors and moves to the neighbour’s Ritscafé to present their new EP. Be there!

WE 25.04.2012 21:00

© Kathleen Verbesselt
© Kathleen Verbesselt

Under the guise of “come out of your digs”, on the 25th of April S.H.O.W. closes the Beursschouwburg doors behind it and moves into its neighbour’s Ritscafé with house band Horse Antlers (winners of the Brussels Café Concerts Stoemptrofee). The Horse Antlers take this fine opportunity to present their new EP. Be there!

Xavier Guissaert – Drums
Chris Fragala – Vocals / Guitar
Koen Petit-Jean – Bass
Vincent Tetaert – Guitar

see also