Chris Dercon
dinner, talk
WE 15.04.2015 20:00

Salon Magnétique #3

Maybe you’re as old as the hills and can vaguely remember the world-famous Salons Magnétiques which the Beursschouwburg used to organize in a bygone era. Maybe you’re a youngster and don’t yet have any recollections. Just for the sake of clarity: during a Salon an artist or programme planner would talk about the music which had been important in their life and/or work and would also share that beautiful, moving, inspiring music with us.

To make it particularly convivial there’s no entrance fee but we do ask you to bring along just a small meal for more than 1person (not necessarily one you’ve prepared yourself). We’ll be assembling all the dishes into a buffet and just let rip.

For this special birthday edition we’re inviting a few entertaining figures who have an exceptional connection with the Beursschouwburg. Can’t wait to discover their favourite sounds!

In Dutch

Chris Dercon, current director of Tate Modern
Moderator: Friedl’ Lesage

see also