with Low Jack (L.I.E.S / In Paradisum - FR), Aïsha Devi (Danse Noire - CH), Lawrence Le Doux (Vlek - BE), Milan W. (Jj Funhouse - BE), Ketev (Subtext / Opal Tapes - DE), N1L (UIQ - LV), Zamilska (PL), RSS B0YS (Mik Musik - PL), Plapla Pinky (Choral - FR), Orphan Swords (Desire / Idiosyncratics - BE), Bepotel (Bepotel Records / Vlek - BE), Köhn (Kraak - BE), Kassett (DRLR - BE), Gàbor Làzàr (The Death of Rave / Presto?! - HU), Autrenoir (In Paradisum - FR), Borusiade (Còmeme - RO), Miaux (Ultra Eczema - BE), Ignatz (Goaty Tapes / Fonal - BE), 6SISS (Abstrakt Reflections / Caoutchou - BE)
Thursday = free
Friday = €10
Saturday = €15
Sunday = €10 (free for subbacultcha! members)
Combi ticket = €25
schiev is a Brussels’ based music festival which offers a broad vision of avant-garde pop music while trying to make it accessible to the widest possible audience. The festival aims to showcase an eclectic line-up of innovative belgian and international projects and to present them in an easygoing and relaxed atmosphere.
During four days, schiev invites the public to discover, discuss and debate a wide and wild range of musical projects. The festival will present what it considers as the most ‘schiev’ artists of the moment: those who seek, innovate and freely experiment with textures, influences, rhythms and composition.
schiev promotes emerging talents who work at the edge of the electronic genre, pushing limits and overcoming musical boundaries.
schiev is part of SHAPE, a platform for innovative music and audiovisual art from Europe. SHAPE aims to support, promote and exchange innovative and aspiring musicians and interdisciplinary artists with an interest in sound.
Aisha Devi
Line up
Thursday 5th november
19h30 – Free
On experimental music: A talk and listening session by Guy Marc Hinant (Sub Rosa)
Sähkö The Movie: a documentary by Jimi Tenor, 44mn, 1995, shot on 16mm film.
Friday 6th november
19:30 – €10
Low Jack (L.I.E.S / In Paradisum / FR) – Aïsha Devi (Danse Noire / CH) – Lawrence Le Doux (Vlek / BE) – Milan W. (Jj Funhouse / BE)
Saturday 7th november
14:30 – €15
KETEV (Subtext / Opal Tapes / DE) – N1L (UIQ / LV) – ZAMILSKA (PL) – RSS B0YS (Mik Musik / PL) – Plapla Pinky (Choral / FR) – Orphan Swords (Desire / Idiosyncratics / BE) – bepotel (Bepotel Records / Vlek / BE) – Köhn (Kraak / BE) – Kassett (DRLR / BE)
Sunday 8th november
12:30 – €10 (Free for Subbacultcha! members)
Gábor Lázár (The Death of Rave / Presto?! / HU) – Autrenoir (In Paradisum / FR) – Borusiade (Còmeme / RO) – MIAUX (Ultra Eczema / BE) – Ignatz (Goaty Tapes / Fonal / BE) – 6SISS (Abstrakt Reflections / Caoutchou / BE)