CIRCULATION On distribution and circulation of film and video art

Two days of lectures, debates and a workshop about strategies for the distribution of experimental cinema and artists’ films

book presentation, lecture, workshop, debate
19 OCT — 20 OCT 2017

From MovieDrome to Vdrome

Th 19.10
@KASK Gent

Dirk De Wit (of Kunstenpunt) gives an introduction on the film industry and presentation in Flanders and Brussels. We then delve into witness accounts of the different distribution methods and changes that have evolved in recent years. Speakers include Emmy Oost (producer of art-house films with Cassette for Timescapes), Filippa Ramos (curator of the online video platform Vdrome), Helena Kritis (programmer of moving images at Beursschouwburg) and Marie Logie (Coordinator of Auguste Orts, an artist-run platform for video and film art).

A film ... what’s next?

Fr 20.10, 14:00 – 16:00
workshop EN spoken
free, with reservation

More and more films fall outside the classical production formats (e.g. experimental films, small scale or self-produced artist films,…). What happens when a film is finally finished and doesn’t enter automatically in a commercial distribution circuit? 
This workshop, organised by atelier Graphoui and Argos, is intended for art and film students as well as beginning filmmakers. You will receive a hands-on explanation of the various steps that are taken after the finishing process. With the help of concrete cases, you acquire useful handholds.

Max. 60 participants to allow concentrated exchanges and focused discussions.

After Uniqueness, book presentation by Erika Balsom

Fr 20.10, 17:00 – 19:00
book presentation & casestudies
free, with reservation

In her book After Uniqueness: A History of Film and Video Art in Circulation, Erika Balsom investigates the ambivalent character of the reproducibility of experimental cinema and artists’ films down through history. She proposes, amongst other things, that the ambitions and values associated with specific distribution initiatives are challenged by the far-reaching digitalization of the field. Most of all, After Uniqueness shows that distribution channels are not simply neutral trajectories, but are sooner networks that determine how we approach, understand and describe the work.

Following Erika Balsom’s lecture, artists Wendy Morris, Effi Weiss & Amir Borenstein and Johan Grimonprez talk about how they set about having their work distributed, or distributing it themselves. Rolf Quaghebuer, director of Argos Centre for Art and Media, moderates the discussion.

W/ Argos Centre for Art and Media, Atelier Graphoui, KASK Gent, Kunstenpunt

In the framework of THE FUTURE IS FEMINIST.

see also