Brendan Dawes

«I'm excited. I make things. My mum says I'm good with computers.»

WE 08.02.2012 20:00

Brendan Dawes (UK) is a MoMA exhib­ited artist, designer, author, maker, self con­fessed gen­er­alist and the founder of Beep Industries. Brendan explores the inter­play of people, code, design and art through the prod­ucts released through Beep Industries and on, a per­sonal space where he pub­lishes random thoughts, toys and projects cre­ated from an eclectic mix of dig­ital and analog objects. In 2009 he was listed among the top twenty web designers in the world by .Net mag­a­zine and was fea­tured in the “Design Icon” series in Computer Arts. In 2008 his Cinema Redux project was acquired by MoMA in New York for the per­ma­nent col­lec­tion. In 2011 his Doodlebuzz news inter­face was fea­tured in the Talk to Me exhi­bi­tion at MoMA in New York. Doodlebuzz won a D&AD in 2009 for inter­face design. In 2010 he released The Accidental News Explorer – an iPhone app for serendip­i­tous news dis­covery that was fea­tured as “new and notable” in the US app store and was fea­tured amongst the eighty projects in the Taschen book Mobile Case Studies pub­lished in 2011.

see also