Mark Porter

«Design gaat niet alleen over hoe iets eruit ziet, maar ook hoe het zich gedraagt, hoe het werkt en hoe we het gebruiken.»

WE 08.02.2012 21:00

© Mark Porter
© Mark Porter

Mark Porter designs mag­a­zines, news­pa­pers, books, web­sites and apps for con­tent worth reading. He was born in Scotland and studied modern lan­guages at Oxford University. Initially self-taught, he then learnt from some of London and New York’s best designers. After sev­eral suc­cessful years in mag­a­zines, he joined The Guardian (London) in 1995, and in 2005 he mas­ter­minded the sem­inal Guardian relaunch which has become a bench­mark of con­tem­po­rary news­paper design. He then oversaw the redesign of the Guardian’s web­site and mobile offering before leaving to set up his own studio, Mark Porter Associates. He has designed a range of award-winning mag­a­zines, news­pa­pers and web­sites including, Wired (UK), Colors (Italy), Internazionale (Italy), Público (Portugal), Courrier Interntional (France), NZZ am Sonntag (Switzerland), Het Fianancieele Dagblad (Netherlands) and Svenska Dagbladet (Sweden).

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