Morag Myerscough (UK)

Eclectic – and some­times eccen­tric.

WE 07.03.2012 20:00

Morag Myerscough has pro­duced an eclectic – and some­times eccen­tric – body of work that is fre­quently unclas­si­fi­able but always offers a high level of engage­ment. She com­bines formal graphic design method­olo­gies (typog­raphy, image making, colour theory) with highly indi­vid­u­alist craft skills.” Extract: Adrian Shaughnessy – Book: Supergraphics – Transforming Space: Unit 02 – Tony Brook and Adrian Shaughnessy Over the years Morag has con­cen­trated on working way beyond the restric­tions of 2-D and cre­ates and curates many dif­ferent types of work including a train as a café, numerous exhi­bi­tions, inter­preting build­ings plus run­ning her own gallery and shop ‘her house’. Currently designing the per­ma­nent exhi­bi­tion which will be in the New Design Museum, London. Collaboratively working with Cartlidge Levene on the wayfinding for the new exten­sion at the Tate Modern, archi­tects Herzog and De Meuron. Working on sev­eral social design projects, in hos­pi­tals and youth centres. Recently completed, working in a team with Zynga in San Francisco, on the spa­tial design of their new head­quar­ters. Been out on the street with a public art instal­la­tion for the Experimenta Expo in Lisbon working with super­group col­lab­o­rator Luke Morgan. Plus much more... Myerscough believes that wayfinding is not purely about a series of signs but as much about bringing out the nar­ra­tive in the built envi­ron­ment, enhancing the phys­ical expe­ri­ence, it is very impor­tant how people feel when they move through a space, if they can move easily almost uncon­sciously and if you can make them smile and feel happy that is one of the best out­comes. Morag studied at St Martin’s and the Royal College of Art. Starting Studio Myerscough in 1993.

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