Joe Malia (UK) & Gerlinde Schuller (NL)

Recent devel­op­ments in the field of infor­ma­tion design.

TU 19.02.2013 20:00

Joe Malia creates interfaces for software and other products. In 2006, he completed an MA in Interaction Design at the Royal College of Art. He went on to work in research and software projects for Nokia, KPMG, Sony Ericsson, Luckybite, Beta Tank, IDEO and Deutsche Bank, amongst others. Joe secured an RUC Visiting Fellowship at Newcastle University in 2010, where he ran the Interventions project to explore potential interconnections between design and social science. In 2009 he co-founded The Play Coalition, an ongoing collaboration to create objects that are simple, inventive and fun. Occasionally, Joe helps to draw the posters for the Interaction Design Rendezvous and puts other bits and pieces on his personal site. Currently Joe works at BERG.

Gerlinde Schuller is head of The World as Flatland, an information design studio based in Amsterdam. She is specialized in systematic design and visual journalism. She studied Visual Communication at the Academy of Art and Design, Offenbach am Main. Before she started her own studio, she worked at Cartlidge Levene Design, London and Irma Boom Office, Amsterdam. Besides working on commissions for international clients, Gerlinde Schuller teaches information design and writes about this discipline. From 2001 to 2005, she taught information design at the Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam. In her own publications she focuses on examining a complex subject by creating an experimental visual system. Schuller is author of the systematic books ‘Designing universal knowledge’ (2009) and co-author of ‘Making the Impossible Possible’ (2006) and ‘Amsterdam in documents’ (2011).

In English

  • Drink 22:00
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