SIC Public Presentation

SoundImageCulture - The intersection of cinema, anthropology and contemporary art

FR 21.12.2012 18:00

SoundImageCulture (SIC) is an international arts workshop focused on artistic-anthropological research and support for documentary art forms. In December each year the participants present their projects to the public.


18:00 - 20:00

Helena Dembsky (DE)
Je veux voire la Tour Eiffel
Is the migration from Tunesia a kind of “rite de passage” towards the hegemonic masculinity expected by the home society? Or does the passage actually push them a step back from assuming the masculine role in the limbo between the traditional milieu and the buzzing European city?

Emilie Kengmo Chappatte (FR)
En tant que Femme
A visually lyrical exploration of 'Maman' Rosalie Makoudjou and her vision and negotiation of her identity as a wife, a mother and a professional. Portrait of a woman moving from Cameroon to a foreign country.

Salomé Laloux-Bard (FR)
Serge is an actor with a past as child soldier in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Reality and fiction switch when he re-enacts his childhood in a theatrical rage.
L’ Age des Cabanes
Why does the contemporary art scene enclose itself in autosatisfaction, why does “nobody care about contemporary art in Africa”?

20:30 - 23:00

Miki Ambrozy (H)
Where I End and Movement Begins
It all began with a journey into the unknown. I wanted to lose myself somewhere, with someone, uninterested in the way out. The story of my relationship with the children of the Bus Terminal Intersection, and how (the) Movement has made it possible.

Christine Moderbacher (DE)
Lettres à Mohammed
“Letters to Mohammed” is a subjective collage, a poetic trip in Tunesia, a country in the aftermath of a revolution - a description of a landscape of lost illusions full of humor and hope.

Caroline Daish (Au)
gormless wonderland
How do we speak light and understand each other? This project is a meeting between my brother and myself. This is the first time that I understand. As I listen and re-listen to him I understand the layers of meaning. The subject is attention and presence.

23:00- ...

Afterparty with DJ Patrick Codenys (Front242) & DJ Machinist

L’ Age des Cabanes © Salomé Laloux-Bard
L’ Age des Cabanes © Salomé Laloux-Bard

Lettre a mohammed © Christine Moderbacher
Lettre a mohammed © Christine Moderbacher

Je veux voire la Tour Eiffel © Helena Dembsky (D)
Je veux voire la Tour Eiffel © Helena Dembsky (D)

En tant que Femme © Emilie Kengmo Chappatte
En tant que Femme © Emilie Kengmo Chappatte

gormless wonderland © Caroline Daish
gormless wonderland © Caroline Daish

SoundImageCulture vzw / SIC is supported by the Flemish Community and partners: Argos, Beursschouwburg, KASK School of Arts and Pianofabriek Kunstenwerkplaats.

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