StadsSalonsUrbains #6 : Brussels in Circles with Max Roberts

Max Roberts, the designer of the circle map of the Brussels metro and tram network, is coming to Brussels for a lecture !

FR 27.02.2015 17:30

The city is the future? Most definitely! Throughout the last decade many new ideas and insights have been presented in the field of Urban Studies.

During the Stadssalonsurbains we are inviting renowned international professors to present their ideas to the Brussels audience. English lectures and documentary screenings for urban professionals, students and all city lovers.

*What the heck is an ’Urbanite’”? A person who inhabits one of the major cities in the world, aged between 17 and 44. An urbanite is an affluent consumer with an optimistic outlook on life that is very different from those who live in “small town” or rural areas.
Urbanites reflect both a subculture and a contemporary lifestyle. They embody 6 key characteristics: Time-poor, city-proud, media-literate, brand-centric, trend-sensitive and culturally-aware. (Source: Urban Dictionary)

English spoken

a lecture by Dr. Max Roberts
(Department of Psychology, University of Essex, United Kingdom)

Invited by Brussels Academy & Ezelstad

Organisation: Brussels Academy & Brussels Studies Institute

see also