SENSORY CELEBRATION by Jezebel Studio x Sadistic

Pole dancing and sensual healing. Join a special evening full of sensations that will trigger your senses.

performance, nightlife
FR 05.04.2024 20:00

What do we feel unseen? 
Experience eyes where they are not. 
Smell sounds,
Taste the skin, 
Touch your feelings. 

They say a lot is stored in the body. With this overload of stimuli, let it out! Prepare yourself for a mix of ASMR, pole dance, drawing, make-up, dancing and singing.

20:00 — 21:00 Sensation Parcours 
21:00 — 23:00 ASMR open mic and drawing/pole performance 
23:00 — 02:00 DJ Flappy B2B Mandy Pixel 

Spring Leyssens
Nina Poels
Mathilde Cominotto
Justine Cappelle
Marie Malingreau
Mandy Pixel
Max Adams
Gülce Padem
Lucy Dupont


visuals | @maisonmiet @thillustration

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