Discuss feminism to the bitter end, in small groups. Let it all out!

SA 16.12.2017 18:00 - 23:00

Join a wide spectrum of opinion makers in the discussion: Why is feminism (still today) such an important issue?

We are transforming our theatre into a setting for intense dialogue. At several tables, distributed throughout the space, a broad spectrum of respected opinion makers will sit down with you, our honoured audience, to talk about feminism.

Feminism embraces very diverse principles and touches an infinite array of subjects, from sexism, Afro-feminism, the headscarf debate and radical feminists, to the pioneers of feminism. Each will be considered, every angle examined, and everyone with or without an opinion can engage with the crucial question of 'why feminism is still a compelling issue today.

Above each table hangs a light. If the light is on, the opinion maker is speaking. If the light is off, you can join the group for a heated or a consoling discussion. Each discussion is with a maximum of ten people, so that everyone can take part. In the centre of the space is a large communal table, where you can eat something and exchange ideas with others. As the discussions continue, artistic interventions will be taking place: Hana Miletić is working together with Globe Aroma and a group of women on the sound installation, txt, Is Not Written Plain (draft I), dancer Ilse Ghekiere gives you a glimpse into her own investigation of feminism and slam poet Samira Saleh rounds off the evening on a poetic notes.



Nozizwe Dube - in NL
An emerging policy maker about her feminist approach: from the glass ceiling, decision making to intersectionality.

Collectif Mwanamke - in FR
Afrofeminist aspirations for the future. About the power of a more globally-minded feminism to positively impact the world.

Ida Dequeecker - in NL
A feminist pioneer (Dolle Mina’s! BOEH! Furia!) will talk about the many ideological evolutions of the many feminisms. From history till dawn.

Black Speaks Back - in NL
Feminism is popular, but we need a critical language to talk about it. In an intersectional feminist way of thinking we need to reconsider the words we’re using.

Hana Miletic + Globe Aroma - in FR & EN
Sharing experiences that span several generations, broadening our  perspectives and expanding each other’s testimonies. Feminism linked to the process of creating an audio installation.

Rachida Aziz - in FR 
A feminist activism or an activist feminism? Let’s talk about it with the founder of an activist, feminist, co-working, safe space in the center of Brussels.

Alona Ljubajeva - in NL
On gender equality in the workplace. What’s the situation of women in middle and top management?

Ciska Hoet - in EN
The performing arts scene through the eyes of a feminist journalist. About the representation of male and female bodies, specific roles for female characters, and the (fe)male gaze…

Malika Hamidi - in FR
French sociologue is opening the discussion about muslim feminism. Un féminisme musulman, et pourquoi pas ?

Xavier Gorgol - in FR
A conversation about (our) body. From traditional binary to a feminist post binary and the roll of language in this transformation.

Frank Van Massenhove - in NL
Power and violence, job market and gender equality. The founder of the seventies flemish movement ‘Men against sexism’ about his daily feminist battle.

Yannick Ottoy - in NL
What about a feminist movement run by men? Author Yannic Ottoy is pro.

Inne Eysermans - in NL
Sharing personal stories, eye-opening anekdotes and feminist impressions of a male dominated music business.

Agna Smisdom - in EN
Feminism and policy-making: an irreconcilable or a necessary combination? A conversation about the role of the government, current practices, and challenges to tackle.

Ilse Ghekiere - in EN
What dancers talk about when they talk about sexism. A female dancer talks about the repercussions of a professional reality that celebrates unclear borders.


Melat Nigussie & Bouchra Lamsyeh

Samira Saleh
Ilse Ghekiere
Hana Miletić & Globe Aroma

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In the framework of THE FUTURE IS FEMINIST.

see also