Tommigun Wooden Son
album release, concert
FR 14.10.2016 22:00

With their new album, Kaat and Thomas, the two lead singers of Tommigun, take a different approach. For Wooden Son, they drew their inspiration from the record collection with prison work songs, chants and blues singers, who Thomas grew up with. Add to this Tommigun’s own unique sound and you get incantatory chants for which the entire band joins in on a layer of heavy bass, capricious/gritty drums and ominous keyboards. The album was produced by Koen Gisen. This concert forms part of the Autumn Falls festival.

Tommigun: Kaat Arnaert (vocals), Pim De Wolf (bass, vocals), Mattijs Vanderleen (drums, beats, percussion and vocals), Joeri Cnapelinckx (keyboards, vocals), Thomas Devos (guitar, vocals).

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