Train your brain-day
FR 10.10.2014 08:30 - 23:00
Lectures from early morning ‘til late at night, the perfect way to feed your mind!

On Friday 10th October we’re shooting off with an autumn overflowing with lectures by (inter)national speakers. In addition to the already familiar (Creative Mornings) you’ll make acquaintance with a new series of lectures (StadsSalonsUbains and Great Minds Think Ahead).

For this Creative Mornings the theme is Crossover. Speaker will be Garrett List, a composer, musician and music educator.

Later in the day there’ll be a slice of urban sociology on the menu. StadsSalonsUrbains has invited Professor Patrick Le Galès, an expert in the field of urban change.

And then Great Minds Think Ahead is bringing no-one less than Michel Bauwens to Brussels. He will speak about the peer-to-peer model (P2P – inspired by open source, like Wikipedia), a route to the post-capitalistic society where the market is shaped by general interest.
