3 OCT — 29 NOV 2014
In this focusprogramme: a whole bunch of artists transform the human body, reality, thoughts and the space around us.

Change is often concerned with the power to control reality.

The artists or Transformers in the focus programme do this with dedication: building their dreams from transformed facts. That makes art an adventure domain, but equally one of uncertainty.

In the protected environment of the theatre artists show what is happening outside in the world has just one constant: everything is changing. Today you’re living in a monoculture; tomorrow multiculture is the new norm. Today everything is analogue; tomorrow digital is the new standard. Today you’re a man, tomorrow maybe you’re a woman. Today the limit is here, tomorrow it’s over there.

The artists in this focus programme transform the human body and the space around us or distort the (virtual) reality. How can we shift the parameters to create new realities? At first sight perhaps these are innocent shaping exercises, but the power of these Transformers lies in their belief in the non-political power of change.

Tom Bonte
