Dennis Tyfus "He means well" rarely means something good

In October and November we’re giving Tyfus carte blanche. He can spend the whole summer pondering on what he’ll show at his first (!) solo exhibition in Brussels

3 OCT — 29 NOV 2014
Wednesday-Friday/ 12:00-18:00 Saturday/ 12:00-19:00

During Transformers we’re letting Belgian artist Dennis Tyfus take the floor. The man draws, paints, takes photographs using disposable cameras, makes films, plays noise music, sings, parodies, makes records and cassettes, creates artists’ books and magazines, makes collages, has a radio programme on Radio Central in Antwerp and archives his oeuvre under the Ultra Eczema label.

thanks to: Bouwdroger (Ruben Temmerman) en VDB-PA (Jan Van den Brande)

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