We're fiiiiiiiiinally open again

Dear summerbeurs people,

IT'S (really) HAPPENING. We're fiiiiiiiiinally open again. That means rooftop! It's equipped to enjoy the sunshine and golden hours with your loved ones.

What's more:

Two performances. Luanda Casella brings her Killjoy Quiz to our venue for an evening of (un)privileged quizzing, and Quinsy Gario presents new work.

Two exhibitions. Ève Chabanon and her non-producers will soon be joined by Amber Vanluffelen and the Belgian Cats (more or less).

Music in beurscafé. A fluid twilight zone where you can enjoy DJ sets, drinks, music documentaries and (*heart beats faster*) live concerts. Yokaï, Laryssa Kim, Victor De Roo, Ignatz, Miaux and other artists (to be announced) are looking forward to seeing you again.

If you need to catch your breath after this sultry homecoming: three new On the Go soundwalks await you and your walking shoes. Enjoy!

Welcome back <3

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