Gosie Vervloessem & Einat Tuchman State of the arts – solidarity and action

Platform organized by artists for artists with lectures of Wouter Hillaert, Leen Laconte, Robrecht Vanderbeeken, Kobe Matthys/Axel Claes and Bernard Lietaer

WE 06.11.2013 18:00 - 22:00

State of the Arts is an artist-driven Work Symposium, which aims to generate a gathering of artists to engage in lectures and debates.

It endeavours to assemble versatile voices examining the position of art in society and the concomitant Belgian political cultural context. The purpose of the symposium is to trigger awareness, inspiration for action, and stimulate thought for future artistic framework scenarios. Would it be valuable to organize the arts like a “guild”?
Can we formulate a list of requests and questions for political parties?
Do we need a “union” or a “shadow government”? …
“Come join us and act!”

In English

16 discussion tables:
We invite all artists to join in a worksymposium in the café of Beursschouwburg, that will be transformed for an evening into a ‘State of the Arts’- center of operation. We present different worksurfaces guided by different moderators, each presenting a pioneering concept of organisation. Every workspace will offer a collective debates concerning autonomous ways of reorganizing ourselves as artists and cultural creatives.

5 lectures:
The work surface-debates will be regularly be punctuated by short lectures that will add different perspectives about the social political cultural situation in Belgium today

Timetable for the 6th of november:

18h: All participants enter, choosing working table , welcome speech

18:30h: Lectures:
Art as a political position and a social engagement - Wouter Hillaert
The cultural crisis in Holland and what can we learn from it - Leen Laconte

19:15h: Table discussions ( all at the same time) 30 min

19:45h: Lecture:
Creative industries and neoliberal cultural polices - Robrecht Vanderbeeken

20:15h: Table discussions ( all at the same time) 30 min

20:45h: Lectures:
Social security and the inscription of an artist as a worker - Kobe Matthys and Axel Claes
Art and money, art vs money - Bernard Lietaer

22h: Table discussion assembling the different ideas, questions proposals on one format

22:30h : a short closure of the symposium and introduction of the next evening.

see also