David Helbich Belgian Solutions goes book.

Belgian Solutions is a constantly growing collection of images of ingenious Belgian solutions. After years on Facebook, the photos have now found their way into a real book. Since Beursschouwburg is happy to help us shoulder this project, it is sending out a general invitation for the festive 'book launch' of Belgian Solutions.

book presentation
SA 05.10.2013 22:00

For some years, artist David Helbich – originally from Germany but working in Brussels – has been looking for Belgian solutions to practical problems. Not that he has had too much trouble finding examples, for the solutions seem to be leaping into his lap. The staircase that leads to nowhere and a cycle path that abruptly ceases to exist are two cases in point.
Once he has committed all those absurd situations to celluloid, they find their way to the world via the Facebook group Belgian Solutions, a group that is gradually taking on the role of a real community, with some 750 photographs made by fellow-enthusiasts of the better solution.
In October, Belgian Solutions will move from the virtual world to a real book*, where Helbich will be displaying a selection of 300 images, some of which are brand new, while others are good old classics.

In inviting you, Helbich speaks the following words:
Come to the book launch, with a special performance solution, some decent live-likings and a drink! We can’t wait, for there are never enough books. Welcome!

*If you are looking for a Christmas present, then look no further.

Concept and photos: David Helbich
Publishing house: MER. Paper Kunsthalle (Ghent) publisher
Support by: Beursschouwburg, Kunstencentrum BUDA (Kortrijk)

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