Peter Aers Everything depends on how a thing is thought - Crime and punishment
FR 16.12.2016 15:30
SA 17.12.2016 14:00

Performer and philosopher Peter Aers invites you to join him in a conversation where the spectator is a participant, and the stage is reality itself. Everything Depends On How A Thing Is Thought is a four-part series in which the audience becomes a temporary community reflecting on society. In Crime And Punishment, the third part of the series, Peter questions how we assign guilt to others, what values are at stake and what punishment should be given, if any. He deconstructs how we organize ourselves to judge as a group and leaves you puzzled by your own judgments and beliefs.

Concept/Development/Performance: Peter Aers, Bart Capelle & Melissa Mabesoone
Coproduction: Kunstencentrum Vooruit, kc Vrijstaat De Werf, workspacebrussels
​With the support of the Flemish Community, Vormingsplus Gent-Eeklo, Winny Ang, Kristof Van Rossem, Wim Cuyvers
In collaboration with : Beursschouwburg
Photo credits : Thierry Bal

On location: Allée du kaai
Meeting point Beursschouwburg

180' (walk, performance and after talk)

see also