CHANGEMENT DE POINT DE VUE (exhibition walk)
FR 18.12.2015 16:00 - 23:00
SA 19.12.2015 16:00 - 23:00
With work by Matea Bakula, Julien Fournet, Koyuki Kazahaya, Ariane Loze, Diane Rabreau & Gaëtan Rusquet

The exhibition walk Changement de Point de Vue combines installations, prints, sculptures and videos by artists that generate a shift in our perspective and put us into motion. Whether in direct physical exploration of the world, or in more abstract experimentation, it seems as if there's never a final viewpoint that succeeds to capture the whole complexity of reality. And you can take that quite literally. Diane Rabreau invites us to navigate blindly with her blackbox-car, and triggers your imagination with her travel stories in her latest installation La Plage aux Souches. Meanwhile Matea Bakula composes abstract compositions where textures and patterns seem to become a kind of map, and the installation by Julien Fournet keeps printing answers to unknown questions. But also Ariane Loze continuously shifts perspective in Movies on my Own, a movie project where she produces a shortfilm in 24h, executing all the roles herself. Gaëtan Rusquet choreographs a camera through his body and his surroundings, emphasizing the continuity between the inner and outer world. And Koyuki Kazahaya combines video and drawing into a seascape that is constantly moving and eternally still at the same time.
