conversations on care
TH 03.10 19:00
TH 24.10 19:00
TH 05.12 19:00
Rejoignez-nous pour trois conversations sur la santé des personnes transgenres, sur les masculinités et sur la famille ! w/ Baxter, Hugo & Andrée

Ensemble, nous explorons différentes dimensions du thème de la saison: allant des soins de santé des personnes transgenres aux masculinités et à la santé émotionnelle, en passant par la parenté transgénérationnelle.

Aucune connaissance préalable n'est requise - venez comme vous êtes !

Nos hôtes Baxter, Hugo & Andrée et leurs invité.es discutent, débattent et rêvent librement dans le cozy beurscafé. Nous avons des poufs, du thé et du temps. Événement gratuit, pas d'inscription nécessaire !


Baxter Baxter M. Halter is a performer, music composer, occasional DJ, writer, and videast. Through their work, they research important concepts such as Gender Trouble, Deconstruction, Care, Transidentity, and Masculinity. On these topics, Baxter has made podcasts with Fondation Kanal and hosts the monthly Talk From Homografia show on Radio Panik, making them an important voice both for and within their community. Baxter is also a regular curator for Queer Festivals such as Festival Homografia, BPFF, and is never too far from SNAP! Festival.

Hugo, engaged in feminism and dedicated to personal deconstruction, actively invests in questioning masculinity and patriarchy. A master-level transformational coach certified by the International Coaching Federation, he has been leading non-mixed discussion circles for men* since 2019. In 2021, he co-founded Liminal, an organization dedicated to reflection on masculinities and the transformation of patriarchal conditioning. Since immersing himself in a master’s program in gender studies, he has developed a passion for this intersection and now explores personal development through the lens of gender.

Andrée Chapatte is a multidisciplinary artist working in music, dance, and fascia therapy. His more recent work focuses on our relationship with contemporary camera technologies, collaborative meaning-making, and exploring speculative masculinities. At Liminal, Andrée has been facilitating connections among diverse initiatives related to masculinities in Brussels and beyond. Liminal Liminal deconstructs patriarchal norms and gendered expectations in community by holding each other accountable. We believe that everyone can—and men in particular must—contribute to gender justice by reflecting on how patriarchy influences their identity, behavior, and relationships. Liminal provides spaces for exchange, (un)learning, healing, and growth, facilitating transformation through personal development supported by feminist theory.
