Farida Amadou + L. Jacobs
FR 04.02.2022 20:30

Basée à Bruxelles, Farida Amadou est musicienne et performeuse. Régulièrement citée comme l'une des nouvelles stars prometteuses de la scène d'improvisation européenne, l'autodidacte Amadou tire les sons les plus excitants de sa basse sans perdre de vue la musicalité. Elle a fait ses preuves au niveau (inter)national dans des collaborations stimulantes avec des grands noms comme Peter Brötzmann, Thurston Moore, Ken Vandermark, Marker, Mette Rasmussen, Hanne De Backer, Wolf Eyes, Audrey Lauro et Julien Desprez, et faisait partie du groupe punk Cocaine Piss.


Lennert Jacobs' music is an echo of his imagination, inevitably reflecting and reinforcing a natural philosophy of enlightenment. L. Jacobs employs modern and classical instruments to enhance and distill a spirit of humanity through his aesthetic currency of sound. Surveying his debut album ‘Enthusiasm’ and its instinctive impulses delivers a sublime sonic experience. Specifics of musical styles fade obliquely in service of resonance on a deeper level—sound speaking on a universal language with innately humorous wonkiness whirling you into a state of pure delight. Kaleidoscopic keyboards shape a celebration of freedom and spontaneity. With warped beats, the songs clatter in crafted structures to create obscure alternative atmospheres. 

[cancelled] Ignatz is the alter-ego of Bram Devens. With an acoustic guitar and a few effects, he creates his very own style of improvisation-inspired Euro blues. Ignatz’s songs stem from a familiar stripped folk framework, with Devens’ delivery recalling the louche primitivism of V.U. or Henry Flynt – but these songs sound inverted, cast adrift, their cool touch belying a stymied heat beneath the surface. Where Devens’ fretwork is adorned, it is executed with a refined coarseness. Autonomous loops entwine each other. Songs brush past percussion, bass notes, or a scant keyboard motif. A voice recedes from the heart of the song into a dislocated, cracked drawl. Apart from working solo, Ignatz plays with his band “de stervende honden” since 2013, after a friend (being tired of Ignatz’s solo concerts) suggested playing with Erik Heestermans and Tommy Denys.

16:00 beurscafé open
20:00 doors concert
20:30 start 

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