Matter. Realization

w/ Aïcha Ouattara

SA 28.09.2024 11:00

"From mourning idealized mothers to embracing real ones, how can I connect with our inner parent—the one who lives within me and I truly need?"

Inspired by this question, a laboratory unfolds, offering an opportunity to learn how to shape responsibility and self-care.

With clay and water as our tools, we open ourselves to the wisdom of matter, allowing our hands to craft new forms of intimacy.

By coming together, we tap into the vitality of shared experiences and build collective knowledge.


Aïcha Ouattara (1993) is a multidisciplinary Belgo-Malian artist born and based in Brussels. As an autodidact visual artist and plastician, as well as a performer (trained in contemporary dance in Danscentrujette) and a somatic practitioner ( at Fasciatherapy & Dance), she investigates how intimate encounters with materials can reveal the essence of connection between energy and matter. She explores, how to search share and gain from experiences of the interdependence principle inherent to the possibility of inhabiting ourselves, our relationships and our environment with respect, love and collaboration.

Through drawing, painting, collage and sculpture, she works on layers and explores the narrative elements, textures, images and colours; She currently works more specifically on emerging inner/outer landscapes through the elements of clay and water. Her creative process follows guidelines of principles experienced in somatic practice to operate movement from a state of openness and availability.

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