Mthrwheel Of Change, a reading practice

w/ Paula Almiron & Castélie Yalombo

SA 28.09.2024 11:00

What if being a mother was a spiritual initiation? Such an initiation would invite you to humbly engage with and understand the diverse energies of the Mothers Wheel of Change.

Inspired by tarot reading, we will explore and engage with texts that reveal archetypal mothers behind the lines.

With protocols and a touch of magic, we'll play and share intuitive knowledge through words and sounds.

The textual journey includes:

“Le non-événement”
“Ugly Feelings”
“The Cancer Journals”
“Le Regret d’être mère”


Paula Almirón is an Argentinian choreographer and performance artist based in Brussels. Her practice unfolds at the intersection of choreography, fictional writing and geology, focusing mostly on the constant intra-action between the social, the spiritual and the geological worlds.

Castélie Yalombo Lilonge, is a Belgian-Congolese-Spanish artist with a background in choreography and poetic expression. Her artistic exploration spans choreography, installation, and poetic discourse, as she delves into the complexities of collective identities, otherness, and relational dynamics. Engaging themes of power dynamics, she advocates for the rearticulation of forgotten, confiscated, and concealed (non)identities narratives.

en anglais et français

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