Parvin Saljuxxi & Nana Biluš Abaffy

Dans leur travail chorégraphique mêlant film et spectacle vivant, ce duo d'artistes s'inspire de défilés militaires, de propagande télévisée, et de réalités tordues pour nous entraîner dans des montagnes russes de la vie et de la mort.


KIM is a study of war and peace. The project will investigate and disassemble larger than life displays of power, extravagantly choreographed made-for-TV military parades, propagandic transmissions of mixed up realities, and the asshole wizard hiding behind the curtain. A choreographic performance will be created addressing questions of subversive survival strategies and roller coaster rides.


Parvin Saljuxxi (Tehran) and Nana Biluš Abaffy (Zagreb/Melbourne) are artists working with experimental choreography and performance, currently locked down in Bruxelles. They were due to present new video/live performance work for the (cancelled) 2020 Tehran Contemporary Sculpture Biennial, and were commissioned by Chunky Move to present a choreographic/expanding cinema work there, as part of the 2020 Next Wave Festival in Melbourne. Recent collaborative works include performative & video-based pieces which were in 2019 presented at Giardino Segreto in the Palazzo Durini in Milan, as part of the exhibition Rooze Mabada, in collaboration with ITC Ethical Fashion Initiative and Flash Art, at Centrale Fies Art Work Space as part of the Live Works Performance Award/Drodesera Festival, at Arts House Melbourne as part of the CultureLab artist residency, and at Kaaistudios as part of a workspace Brussels residency.

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