Karel Verhoeven & Yannick Franck Unedited Architecture

Unedited Architecture is an audio visual and spatial exploration of the volcanic island Lanzarote (ES).

audiovisual performance
FR 27.03.2015 20:30
SA 28.03.2015 20:30

(ESP). In 2013, Ghent-based artist Karel Verhoeven was invited there by the Fundacion César Manrique, named after the architect who developed a utopian vision on building for the island during the seventies. Manrique’s white, organic buildings contrast greatly with the ink black volcanic structure of the soil. Verhoeven registered the formal qualities of this environment in an associative visual assemblage. Sound artist Yannick Franck worked with the audio material that was registered on site. Together, they present this specific environment in an audiovisual live concert.

Concept, beeld en video: Karel Verhoeven
Geluid, klank, muziek: Yannick Franck
Met dank aan: Fundacion César Manrique (ESP), KC CAMPO en Workspace Brussels, Marnix Rummens.


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