Rachael Moore & Isaiah Lopaz Really Animated Conversations Volume II

L’activiste Rachael Moore et l’artiste Isaiah Lopaz parcourent l’histoire de l’Afrique et de la diaspora africaine.

JE 15.11.2018 19:00

Really Animated Conversations is a series of public discussions concerned with the everyday and extraordinary experiences of People of Color. Through an unfolding dialogue between cities and spaces, hosts Rachael Moore and Isaiah Lopaz move between past and present, tragedy and triumph, politics and pop culture. Moore and Lopaz examine the systems and structures of institutional racism while asking People of Color in the audience to describe how they manoeuvre or navigate predominately white institutions.

This conversation will pick up on a discussion which Moore and Lopaz began in Berlin this past September. Issues which were previously examined included: the experiences of Women of Color working for white institutions, tokenism, white fragility, and the ways in which terms like diversity, inclusivity, and intersectionality have been co-opted and are frequently misuses. Through candour, compassion, and communal wisdom this forum seeks to facilitate an exchange of strategies and resources for People of Color. How do we survive spaces we were never meant to enter? Are we surviving? How can we support the communities that we belong to? 

Important announcements:
- The space is limited, therefore we request that everyone interested in attending, confirm their attendance via email. Please send an email to reallyanimatedconversations@gmail.com.
- The conversation will be held in English.
- This event will be recorded.

You are invited to join for drinks downstairs after the event.

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