Fernando Gutièrrez (UK) & Rose Epple (DE)
TU 12.03.2013 20:00

Fernando Gutièrrez (UK) studied graphic design at the London College of Printing. He worked with CDT Design (London), joining Summa (Barcelona), and in 1993, joined forces with Pablo Martin, forming the com­pany that would even­tu­ally become the award-winning Grafica. In 2000 Gutièrrez joined Pentagram as a partner in the London office. At present he owns his own studio. Gutièrrez is also a vis­iting lec­turer to Eina School of art & design in Barcelona, member of Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI), external examiner for the BA (Hons) Graphic Design at Manchester Metropolitan University as well as being a regular judge on interna­tional design and pho­tog­raphy awards panels.

Rose Epple, aka Rose Apple, is a graphic designer, scenog­ra­pher, design writer and edu­cator based in Berlin. Epple studied in Lyon, Hamburg, Paris and at Central Saint Martins College in London, Her former studio chezweitz & roseapple has designed numerous exhibitions and environments, publications and marketing campaigns for leading cultural institutions across Europe as well as urban interventions in public space. The studio won numerous awards.
Over the years Epple´s work has shifted from commissions to questions and she is currently engaged in experimental design processes, collaborating with non-designers and generating insights through design.

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