Andri Søren Haflidason 2008 - The next 5 minutes
19 JAN — 30 MAY 2015

A red tongue of an entrance, linking two sides of an urban block. An improbable roof terrace. A myriad of clever, even slightly sardonic interventions and touches from top to bottom. A place people tell me legends of, back from Brussels' glory days of grunge. It was more grungy, once, yes. My own; inspiring film evenings, risk-taking theatre, roller disco nights, and the place of the first, completely improvised musical performance of my own. Dinner with the team; an unpretentious openness, comprehensive technical support.

It's my turn. My mouth turns dry.
"Hello, everybody..." I drawl into the microphone, and start up the metronome. After 25 minutes of singing, playing and juggling with 8 tracks of synthesisers and percussion, I stop. I've not had time to look up. I think my brain might be melting out of my ears.
But, the next act isn't ready.
"I can play a little like".
The question mark dwarfs me on stage.
The audience of the ground floor clap, and I swear I even hear cheers.
The next 5 minutes are easy, exhilerating and a little ecstatic.
Thank you Beursschouwburg, for this, and the last 5 years.

Andri Søren Haflidason, Architect & Audiovisual artist, Beursfan since 2008

see also