Chanting & Recording #2

Participative work session on how gender is represented in new media and writing/publishing tools like Wikipedia. How does it influence the way history is recorded today?

workshop, discussion, intervention
ME 22.11.2017 18:00 - 19:00

The second of three participative work sessions consisting of presentations, discussions and Wikipedia edit-a-thons, centered around how gender is represented, archived and recorded in new media and writing/publishing tools. How does it influence the way history is written today?
➤ Chanting in its many forms, as protest slogans, as persistant repetition, as storytelling, songs of ritual and a tool that bonds several individuals into one entity. 
➤ Recording because oral sources will need to be included in how we write history today and recordings of old chants let us understand history better. As marginalized groups have long been exempted from written publications but have spread their stories in other ways, we need to put a lot of care into rethinking how we write history. 

Throughout three work sessions we will address oral history and its importance as a narrative and collective practice, starting with this first event focused on a disambiguation of the topics at hand. Feminist chants and slogans will guide us in the editing of Wikipedia pages to add these missing narratives to the polyphonic collaborative encyclopedia.

For this second event we have invited coreographer and dancer Azahara Ubera as our guest to do her performative lecture Zinneke.

Program outline:
18:00 introduction and short presentations
19:00 Performative lecture Zinneke by Azahara Ubera
20:00 Break
20:15 Group discussion and workshop
Open-ended somewhere between 21:00 and 22:00

About the performance:

Zinneke is a performative lecture.
Zinneke means bastard, a bastard way of talking about History to talk about Herstory.
In this lecture I do perform being a mother, being my mother on stage.
Zinneke is also an archive of silent voices, of the voices that have
being removed from the main picture of History, and by putting my mum on stage I am giving volume to her story, as a performative gesture or as Isabel Stengers names it, creating Herstory.
For this gesture I do collect different lists of things,
A collection of images that construct the Somatopolitical regime of the binary sistem of gender.
A collection of poems
Giving volume to this stories ends up as noise.
Noise as an accumulation of layers.
Noise as an accumulation of violence
Noise as rage coming from different lines of oppression, and finally noise as a way to realise the violence y la rage accumulated from the invisibility of the stories hidden by History.

General info: 
If possible then bring a laptop
There will be free food provided on all events
We can organize child care, please let us know in advance

see also